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free plans: how to make a
Miniature Dry Garden
Basic Description Here is a free plan for a miniature version of the traditional dry rock garden. These gardens have been perfected over the centuries as centers of quiet reflection. In keeping with the simple elegance of these gardens, we show you how to make the entire project, including the rake, out of a single piece of wood. These make perfect gifts or stress-relieving aids.

step:       2            

For this project you simply need one piece of wood slightly wider than the miniature garden you want to create. We used a piece of walnut that was approx. 3/4" x 7" x 12" (20 x 175 x 300mm). If you are using rough lumber, you may need to surface a longer piece (remember to keep in mind the size limitations of your jointer and thickness planer - both have minimum length requirements). If you have previously surfaced lumber, you don't have to be concerned about surfacing. Next, using the table saw, cut off about 1" (25mm) for the rake. It is critical that the grain is running along the length of the 1" (25mm) strip, otherwise the tines of the rake will not be strong enough.
after the wood is surfaced, cut off a strip for the rake

◄ step 1   —   step 3►

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