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built in wall clock
free plans: how to make a
Wall Clock
Basic Description Here is a free plan to create a clock built into the wall of your choice. Simple battery-operated clock movements are inexpensive and easy to acquire. It is a relatively short process and you can give any room a more regal look with this simple project. Note that these plans are for installing a clock in a wall made of wallboard or drywall (brick, stone, or thick plaster walls cannot accommodate the shaft lengths of standard clock movements).

step:       2        

The first consideration is the location of the clock. We like to position them relatively high on a wall so that the delicate clock hands do not get damaged. For a built-in clock, you need to make sure that the wall behind the installation is free of wiring or water pipes. Also, you should ensure that there aren't any wall studs that will get in the way. Note that these instructions are for stud and wallboard (drywall) constructed walls - if your wall is brick or thick plaster, the shafts of ordinary clock movements will not be suitable.
begin by drilling a hole in the wall where you want to position the clock
You will be inserting the movement from the wall directly behind the desired location of the clock. Therefore, you will want to position the clock in a location so that the access will be from a insignificant location, ie. closet. We found a great place for the clock in by making an access opening from a kitchen pantry. Note that some jurisdictions require fire-rated walls between certain types of rooms (usually between garages and living spaces). We recommend not selecting this type of wall for built-in wall clock; penetrating this type of wall would require additional precautions and steps to maintain the required fire rating. If you are not sure, contact your local building department.

This is definitely a time when you want to follow the do-it-yourself adage: 'measure twice and cut (drill) once'. Make sure that the space directly behind your desired clock location is free from obstructions and will not be easily visible. Drill the appropriate sized hole for the shaft of the clock movement as shown on the right. If your drill is long enough, you can drill through the other side of the wall, otherwise, you can just measure.

◄ step 1   —   step 3►

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