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bulletin board
free plans: how to make a
Bulletin Board
Basic Description Here is an elegant bulletin board that can hold messages, notes, letters and photographs. It acts just like a tack-board, but you don't have to fumble around with push-pins and we think that you will agree that it looks much better. You can customize the colors and the dimension to create a project that fits into its surroundings.

step:         3      

Next, you need to stretch the fabric around the plywood. It should be taut but you don't need to make it drum-tight. Align the fabric to the board as desired and flip it over. Pull the fabric tight and tap in a few thumb tacks around the perimeter. You can also use a staple gun. Flip it over again to check how everything looks: and if it is suitable, continue tapping tacks in about every 2" (5cm) or so. Pull the fabric tight as you tap in each successive tack. After you have made it all the way around, you can cut the excess fabric with a utility or hobby knife as we did in the photo on the right. To prevent fraying, you can apply white glue to the edges of the fabric; we simply squeezed the glue directly from the container to the fabric edges.
tap tacks in the entire periphery, and cut off the excess fabric with a utility knife.

◄ step 2   —   step 4►

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